Austin Septic Supply
has saved thousands of septic systems and saved people hundreds of thousands of dollars over drain field replacement.
1. Remove Excessive Water: when cleaning the septic system. If you have a high pressure jetter, we recommend jetting and vacuuming the lines. This will remove trash, organic waste matter, and bio-film material, and will improve flow to the absorption area.
2. Cesspools & Seepage Pits: Pump and clean receiving septic tanks. If there is access to the cesspool or seepage pit, pump and power wash the sides, jet and vacuum the bottom of the pit. Add one kit to each pit.
Wait one week and add one gallon of PRO-PUMP®/HC
and two pounds of PRO-PUMP®/OX
in 3 to 5 gallons of water a week for three additional weeks.
3. Sand Mound Recovery: Pump and clean the septic or aerobic system and the pump pit. Locate and uncover the sand mound lateral line ends.
Remove the lateral line riser caps one at a time and flush the lines using the pump pit centrifugal pump.
Following this jet each line to assure the lines are free of trash, bio-solids, and bio film material that may limit flow to the absorption area.
Add one kit to the pump pit (following the instructions).
Add one additional gallon of PRO-PUMP®/HC
to the septic or aerobic system.
Wait one week and add one gallon of PRO-PUMP®/HC
and two pounds of PRO-PUMP®/OX
each week for three weeks.
4. Totally Failed Systems: PRO-PUMP®/Bio-remediation Kit
is designed to enhance absorption field flow recovery via microbial break down and removal of waste matter.
For totally failed systems use one kit and four additional gallons of PRO-PUMP®/HC
and three to six additional pounds of PRO-PUMP®/OX.
5. Failed Commercial Septic Systems: call 512-263-1474 for specific project Bio-Remediation recommendations.